Pekki is very human focused and has a lot of love and loyalty to give.
She is approximately 4 years old and 16kg.
She is spayed, vaccinated and healthy.
She is leash trained and does well riding in the car, although she is prone to car sickness.
While Pekki is extremely loving and loyal, Pekki is a special dog with a traumatic past that has left her with some anxiety and defensiveness. She is not good with children or animals other than dogs. She can be unpredictable in intense situations and can react aggressively. She will need a family that can keep her on leash when walking and monitor her closely if off leash.
Pekki was rescued by our partner Layla, who shares this story:
“Pekki comes from a family in Puerto Escondido that was breeding Pitbulls and running dog fights. Pekki is not a pure pitbull and was thrown out on the street. In March 2020 she was found with severe TVT cancer and malnutrition. Over a year of medical care, chemotherapy and home cooked food she fully healed and after an operation to remove and burn the areas that had once hosted tumours she was announced by 3 vets to be TVT cancer free and healthy.
She has lived with a rotating pack of foster dogs and was also fostered in a home with a couple and their alpha female. She loved being in a home with more attention and peace, and to follow their alpha dog whom she loved as a sister. She has also been on many road trips and around centro.
Unfortunately her insecurity and loyalty sometimes results in aggression. Because of her traumatic past she can be reactive in intense situations. Such as if she is walking with a group of dogs and the leader rushes another passing dog she will join in and nip. She is also very protective, weary of men, and barks at new people when they enter the house. She has bitten 2 humans with both times being a male entering the house in an intense situation and Pekki became protective of the home. She needs a family that can always be aware to have control of her in public, meeting new people, or if a situation becomes intense or other dogs are barking at someone.
Pekki is the most affectionate and loyal dog I have ever met. She is extremely submissive, shy, emotional and human focused. She needs lots of exercise to release her energy. She is insecure and needs a loving but firm family. Her ideal home would be a single person or couple who can give her daily walks and lots of affection and confidence. She needs a home with no children or cats and only other dogs that are alphas. She would be fine to live in a city apartment.
She sometimes has a sensitive stomach mostly due to eating too fast which results in her vomiting. But she is fed a regular mix of kibble, tortillas, vegetables, fruits and meat and generally does not have issues.
Pekki is a really special dog who has endured a lot of mistreatment and struggle. All she wants is to have her own family to love and to be loved. She is ready to be by your side always and follow your lead.”
Please contact us if you are interested in adopting Pekki.