Our work is completely dependent on donations from our community. Any amount helps.

If you’d like to donate to a specific effort, please see the donation options below.


any amount of your choice

In order to maintain this project, we are in ongoing need of supplies: food, flea shampoo, vaccinations, vet bills, bedding, collars and leashes, toys, automobile fuel, and more.

We accept in-kind donations in Oaxaca, Mexico, or monetary donations in any amount of your convenience which may be dedicated toward these specific expenses.


$15 - $120

Spaying and neutering is the best way to help street dogs in the long term. The approximate cost of a spay/neuter procedure during our campaigns is 300 pesos / $15 USD. If the dog is a female street dog, she will need to be boarded for 10 days after the procedure, which is an additional $105 USD. In some cases, we are able to find people to foster the dogs during their recovery time, which allows them to recover in a comfortable home environment and saves on boarding expenses. We eventually hope to have our own land where the dogs can recover after their surgeries, but for now, our space is limited and the boarding is an essential part of this step.

TVT Chemo Treatment

$45 per treatment

TVT (Tumor Venéreo Transmisible) es un tumor del perro que afecta principalmente a los genitales y es muy común en perros de la calle de lugares cálidos que no han sido esterilizados. La quimioterapia es necesaria para tratar el TVT, usualmente 1-4 sesiones dependiendo el caso. Cada quimioterapia cuesta 900 pesos / 45 USD

Mange Treatment


Nosotros tratamos la sarna con un medicamento llamado Bravecto. Este producto mata los parásitos responsables de la sarna pero también combate garrapatas y pulgas. Usualmente una dosis es suficiente por perro, pero algunas veces 2 son requeridas. El costo de cada dosis es de 300 pesos / 15 USD.



¡Patrocina a un perrito oaxaqueño! El costo aproximado de una segunda oportunidad de vida a un cachorro es aproximadamente de 5,000 pesos / 250 USD. Incluye: esterilización, cuidados durante la recuperación, vacunas, desparasitación y una buena bolsa de alimento. ¡Ayuda!