Abuelita Canela is very sweet, chill, playful and loves belly rubs. 

She is approximately 8 years old and weighs 17kg. She is spayed, vaccinated and healthy.

She’s good with kids and other animals, and both on and off leash.

She doesn’t love the car and is prone to car sickness, but does ride calmly when needed.

She is an elderly dog but still active and needs a medium amount of daily exercise.

Canela was rescued by our partner Layla, who shares the following story: 

“I first saw Canela’s beautiful fox tail on the side of the highway just before Teotitlan Del Valle in October 2021. She was thin, limping with wounds, and a little mange. We got to know each other over the next month as I went with food and tried to bring her home.

When Canela began to settle into the home she let me touch her and I saw that she also had TVT Cancer. This past January we did multiple sessions of chemotherapy. She also had Ehrlichia which caused her red blood cells to lower and made the chemotherapy very hard on her body. But with antibiotics and good food she healed. Unfortunately in March 2022 she contracted heartworms and is under treatment with a likely full recovery on the way. 

She has had many litters of puppies, likely with not all surviving through such an environment and conditions. The surviving son of her most recent litter lives in the same area and a ranch family I met keeps an eye on him. Canela has also been hit by a car in the past and has a limp with her front right leg. 

At first Canela was very defensive and scared. But with a little time and healing she relaxed into a very sweet and submissive abuelita. She enjoys sleeping around the yard and is always so excited to go on walks. She keeps up on hikes and loves to play with dog friends. When we go to the soccer field by our house she loves to roll and have her belly pet. She lays down and watches the pack run and sometimes she joins in. She is very friendly when friends or new people come to visit.  

Canela has had a rough life and many health challenges. Now she is ready for a loving home where she can enjoy her last few years with a family and share affection.“

Please contact us if you are interested in adopting Canela.