
Tlaco is an independent sweet dog who loves to follow you on walks and have his head patted.

He is approximately 3 years old and weighs 18kg.

He is neutered, vaccinated and now healthy.

He is great both on and off leash, and in the car. He is calm and confident.

Tlaco was rescued by our partner Layla. She shares this adoption story about him: 

“Tlaco was rescued from the Tlacolula Mercado in September 2021. He was extremely thin and had mange. Even with mange treatment he was very slow to gain any weight and still had red irritated skin on his underside and dry skin around his eyes. As the months went on I tried different natural treatments with diet changes and Tlaco’s health improved. He gained weight and started to run and play. 

Tlaco does have sensitive skin on his underarms and around his eyes. I suspect he has allergies to some foods and dust. Considering his past on the street he does not need a lot of care or affection. He is a very independent dog and walks our neighborhood some days hanging out with his dog and human friends. He comes home just in time for dinner every time. 

Sometimes he lays outside the gate protecting our house and barks at those who come near our entrance. This is problematic as we live on a busy street so I’ve had to keep him inside and let him out when we go on walks. But his ideal situation would allow him the freedom to roam in a calm neighborhood or live in a large yard or a home that has a more private entrance.

Tlaco can be very alpha and snappy with the younger energetic dogs so he would best be in a home without kids or puppies. But he does still love to play with the other dogs on walks. At home he mostly likes his solitude and naps.

Tlaco could be a great guard dog for a home or business that can allow him to roam freely in the day. He could also be a good companion dog for someone who is looking for a low-maintenance dog and can walk a lot with him.

Tlaco was born without toes on his back legs so he has little nubs and walks a bit odd but can still run and hike. His nose is extremely dried out so he has likely survived Distemper as a younger dog. Due to his sensitive skin he does need regular baths and his diet should not have a lot of chicken or gluten.

Tlaco is now a confident strong dog who would love to be part of a family and neighborhood community.”

Please contact us if you are interested in adopting Tlaco.